
Dateigröße 5.88 MB
Letzte Änderung 06.08.2021, 13:52
Gemeinde Hittisau
Bereich oeffentlich
Schlagworte: gemeindeinformation
Dokumentdatum 2010-03-01
Erscheinungsdatum 2010-03-01
Publikationen Bürgermeister-Briefe
Inhalt des Dokuments

<p>Budget 2010............................................................................................... 6 Gemeindeabgaben..................................................................................... 7 <br />Chippflicht für Hunde.................................................................................. 9 <br />Heimatbuch Hittisau................................................................................... 10 Turmkugelschrift......................................................................................... 10 Reisepass................................................................................................... 10 <br />Kioskverpachtung - Schwimmbad.............................................................. 10 Schwimmbadpreise.................................................................................... 11 Ehrenamt ................................................................................................... 12 <br />Vorarlberger Familienzuschuss.................................................................. 12 Fischerei..................................................................................................... 13 <br />Zuschuss zum Pflegegeld.......................................................................... 14 Gratulationen.............................................................................................. 14 <br />Aus dem e5-Team.......................................................................16 <br />Earth Hour.................................................................................................. 16 Straßenbeleuchtung................................................................................... 19 <br />FAHR RAD Wettbewerb............................................................................. 21 <br />Landrad Verleih.......................................................................................... 23 Busticket..................................................................................................... 23 <br />Vereine/Sonstiges...................................................................... 24 <br />Ortsfeuerwehr Hittisau................................................................................ 24 <br />Musikverein Hittisau-Bolgenach................................................................. 25 Faschingsumzug/Bürgerball....................................................................... 26 <br />frauAKTUELL hittisau................................................................................. 27 Sozialsprengel............................................................................................ 29 <br />Opernball im Pflegeheim............................................................................ 30 <br />Öffentliche Bücherei Hittisau...................................................................... 31 Tourismus................................................................................................... 32 Nächtigungsstatistik....................................................................................32 Gästeehrungen........................................................................................... 33 <br />Dankschreiben-Reinhold Eberle................................................................. 38<br /> Bereitschaftsdienst der Ärzte................................................... 39 <br />Der Bürger soll es wissen Liebe Hittisauerinnen und Hittisauer! Am Sonntag, den 14. März 2010 wurden in Vorarlbergs Gemeinden Gemeindevertretungen und teilweise die Bürgermeister neu gewählt. Mit dieser Wahl wurde in Hittisau das neue Team der Hittisauer Gemeindevertretung bestellt. Sie als Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben uns damit großes Vertrauen entgegen gebracht und gleichzeitig viel Hoffnung in uns gError: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName esetzt. Dafür möchten wir uns herzlich bedanken. Mit der konstituierenden Sitzung, die voraussichtlich Anfang April stattfinden wird, beginnt die neue Arbeitsperiode der Gemeindevertretung und Gemeindevorstandes. Für die Arbeit in den kommenden fünf Jahren steht in der Hittisauer Gemeindevertretung ein motiviertes und engagiertes Team zur Verfügung. Damit ist die Grundlage geschaffen, den bewährten Weg der konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit für Hittisau fortzusetzen. Auch künftig sollen in Hittisau Entscheidungen und Sachargumente nicht von parteipolitischen Interessen geleitet sein. Es ist mir ein Anliegen wie bereits in der Vergangenheit, auf politischer Ebene über Parteigrenzen hinweg gemeinsam zu planen und zu gestalten. Mit Zuversicht dürfen wir auf die vor uns liegenden fünf Jahre Arbeit blicken und ich bin überzeugt, dass wir in gemeinsamer Anstrengung und Zusammenarbeit die Herausforderungen der Zukunft wieder meistern werden. Hittisau besitzt großes Potenzial, das genutzt und weiterentwickelt werden kann und soll. Als politische Mandatare wollen wir unsere Verantwortung wahrnehmen und die Zukunft von Hittisau weiterhin erfolgreich gestalten – mit Weitblick, vor allem aber auch mit Verantwortungsbewusstsein für heutige wie nachfolgende Generationen. Gemeindevertretungswahl 2010 Wahlberechtigte Abgegebene Stimmen incl. Wahlkarten Ungültige Stimmen Gültige Stimmen: Wahlbeteiligung 1.431 893 10 883 62, 4 % Seite 4 Der Bürger soll es wissen Ergebnis Gemeindevertreter/Innen Name 1 Konrad Schwarz 2 Josef Maurer 3 Wolfgang Hagspiel 4 Mag. (FH) Urs Schwarz 5 Christina Eberle 6 Mag. Michael Bartenstei 7 Jürgen Höfle 8 Klaus Schwarz 9 Brigitte Nenning 11 Walter Feurstein 12 Doris Dorner 13 Gerhard Schelling 14 Dietmar Nußbaumer 15 Christina Gerbis 16 Dipl.Ing. Markus Schwärzle 17 Josef Reiner 18 Georg Bals Wahlpunkte 44968 34925 31842 31399 29776 29213 28121 27587 27210 24918 23675 23412 21546 20969 20537 19783 19520 Ersatzvertreter/Innen Name 19 Ulrike Bundschuh 20 Marion Maier 21 Reinhold Bechter 22 Ida Bals 23 Josef Flatz 24 Erika Voppichler 25 Klemens Nenning 26 Paul Jakob 27 Christian Baldauf 28 Wolfgang Bilgeri 29 Georg Vögel 30 Anton Gerbis 31 Ing. Matthias Marxgut 32 Richard Bilgeri 33 Josef Rinderer 34 Jürgen Bilgeri 35 Jürgen Schwarzhans Wahlpunkte 18714 16331 15965 15408 14482 12556 12519 10850 10413 8767 8044 6741 6018 4795 4012 3449 2626 10 DInf.(FH)Dominik Bartenstein 26764 Bei allen Damen und Herren möchten sich die Gemeinde Hittisau und auch ich persönlich nochmals für die Bereitschaft zur Mitarbeit recht herzlich bedanken. Über die konstituierende Sitzung und die Ehrung der ausscheidenden Gemeindemandatare werden wir in der nächsten Ausgabe ausführlich berichten. Konrad Schwarz, Bürgermeister Seite 5 Der Bürger soll es wissen A u s d e m G e me i n d e a mt Voranschlag 2010 Das Budget 2010 wurde nach den gesetzlichen Grundlagen erstellt und in der Gemeindevertretung mit den untenstehenden Summen beschlossen. Der Budgetrahmen liegt um 17, 6 % über jenem des Vorjahres. Der Voranschlag stellt den Handlungsbedarf dar und er zeigt wo Schwerpunkte gesetzt wurden. Die im Budget vorgesehenen Investitionen sind ohne Neuverschuldung möglich. Der fehlende Differenzbetrag in Höhe von € 955.000 wird aus der Haushaltsausgleichsrücklage entnommen. Die größten Investitionen sind im Bereich der Sanierung bzw. des Neubaues eines Sportplatzes mit Clubgebäude, Kommabrücke, Erneuerung der Straßenbeleuchtung, Instandhaltungen im Bereich Kanalisation und Kläranlage, Beteiligung an einem Kraftwerk Lecknertal, usw. vorgesehen. Der Voranschlag 2010 wurde von der Gemeindevertretung mit nachstehenden Summen beschlossen: Gruppe Bezeichnung Einnahmen € Ausgaben € 405.900, 00 36.300, 00 1.355.500, 00 389.300, 00 484.600, 00 181.900, 00 172.300, 00 258.800, 00 1.120.800, 00 98.700, 00 4.504.100, 00 0 Vertretungskörper und allg. Verwaltung 224.000, 00 1 öffentliche Ordnung und Sicherheit 3.100, 00 2 Unterricht, Erziehung, Sport und Wissens. 300.100, 00 3 Kunst, Kultur und Kultus 154.600, 00 4 SoziError: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName ale Wohlfahrt u. Wohnbauförderung 165.500, 00 5 Gesundheit 3.600, 00 6 Straßen- und Wasserbau, Verkehr 14.700, 00 7 Wirtschaftsförderung 9.600, 00 8 Dienstleistungen 712.300, 00 9 Finanzwirtschaft 2916.600, 00 Summe 4.504.100, 00 Seite 6 Der Bürger soll es wissen Gemeindeabgaben und -tarife für das Jahr 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Grundsteuer A: f.land-u.forstw.Betr. 1.199, 71 Grundsteuer B: f. sonstige Grundst. 23.837, 58 Kommunalsteuer Vergnügungssteuer: Gästetaxe: je Nächtigung lt. VO € Zweitwohnsitzabgabe lt. VO bis 70 m² Gfl. € über 70 m² Gfl. € 7. Tourismusbeitrag: 8. Hundesteuer: je Hund € 9. Hand- und Zugdienste: 10. Feuerwehrdienstersatzsteuer: 11. Gemeindebeitrag für Musikschulen: Von den Gesamtkosten für 2 Semester (Eltern- u. Gde.Beitrag) übernimmt die Gemeinde 50% Höchstens jedoch für Einzelunterricht € Gruppenunterricht € Elementarunterricht € Kurzstunden € Kindersingen € Partnerunterricht € Ensemblestunden € 500 500 3% keine 1, 50 3, 90 0, 00 0, 45 v.H. 38, 00 keine keine 475, 00 379, 10 209, 80 379, 10 250, 00 453, 50 19, 50 12. Gebühren für die Benützung von Gemeindeeinrichtungen: a) Wasserbezugsgebühren: Grundgebühr halbjährl. € 21, 19excl. USt. Zählermiete für 2. Zähler, halbjährlich € 10, 50excl. USt Zählermiete für Regenwassernutzung halbjährlich € 5, 25 excl. USt. je m3 Trink-u.Nutzwasserbezug je m3 € 0, 34 excl. USt. Pauschalgebühr für nicht angeschlossene Objekte als Löschwasserbeitrag im Umkreis eines Hydranten bis 100 lfm halbjährlich € 9, 21 excl. USt. bis 150 lfm halbjährlich € 6, 45 excl. USt. bis 200 lfm halbjährlich € 4, 05 excl. USt. b) Wasseranschlussgebühren: Beitragssatz € 26, 74excl. USt. c) Kanalbenützungsgebühren: je m3 Abwasser ab 2000 m3 jährl. Oberflächenwässer m2/Halbjahr d) Klärgrubeninhalte dünnflüssig/m3 e) Klärgrubeninhalte dickflüssig/m3 f) Kanalanschlussgebühren: Beitragssatz g) Müllabfuhrgebühren: Seite 7 € € € € € € 1, 79 excl. USt 1, 59 excl. USt 0, 26 excl.USt. 2, 27 excl. USt. 5, 45 excl.USt. 32, 22excl. USt. Der Bürger soll es wissen Grundgebühren: a) für leerstehende Gebäude u. Alphütten b) für Einpersonenhaushalte u. Betriebe gewerblicher Art c) für Zweipersonenh., Ferienh. und zu Ferienzwecken vermietete Gebäude d) für Dreipersonenhaushalte e) für Vier- und Mehrpersonenhaushalte € € € € € 24, 55excl.USt. 30, 91excl.USt. 46, 09excl.USt. 48, 36excl.USt. 51, 36excl.USt. Abfuhrgebühren (Sack- und Entleerungsgebühren): a) b) c) Sackgebühr für Restmüllsack (60 l) € 4, 90 incl. USt. Sackgebühr für Restmüllsack (40 l) € 3, 10 incl. USt. Sackgebühr für Bioabfallsack (8 l) € 0, 60 incl. USt. Sackgebühr für Bioabfallsack (15 l) € 1, 30 incl. USt. d) Gebühr für die Entleerung von 50 l Eimer / je Entleerung € 4, 00 incl. USt. 110 l Eimer / je Entleerung € 8, 50 incl. USt. 120 l Eimer / je Entleerung € 9, 30 incl. USt. e) Gebühr für die Entleerung eines 240 l Containers € 18, 60incl. USt. 660 l Containers € 43, 00incl. USt. 660 l Containers gepresst € 78, 10incl. USt 800 l Containers € 51, 70incl. USt. 1100 l Containers € 70, 40incl. USt. 120 l Container/Bioabfall € 9, 35 incl. USt. 660 l Container/Bioabfall € 50, 50 incl. USt. f) 240 l Gestrasäcke f. Plastikabfall € 0, 70 incl. USt f) Sperrmüll pro kg (mindestens 5 kg werden berechnet) € 0, 25 incl. USt. g) Altholz (Kleinmengen gratis) in Menge eines PKW-Anhänger o. Bordwand € 10, 00incl. USt. in Menge eines PKW-Anhänger mit Bordwand € 20, 00incl. USt. in Menge eines Traktoranhänger € 40, 00incl. USt. h) Altreifen werden nach anfallenden Kosten berechnet i) Bauschutt per kg € 0, 15 incl. USt. j) Strauchschnitt per 0, 5 m3 € 1, 00 incl. USt. 13. Entgelte für die Benützung von Gemeindeeinrichtungen: a) Kindergarten - Elternbeitrag Monat/Kind € 30, 00 incl.USt. an 3 Nachmittagen wird ebenfalls ohne Kostenerhöhung Kindergartenbetreuung angeboten 14. Solaranlagenförderung: verlängert bis 31.12.2010 im Ausmaß von 1/4Anteil der Landesförderung im Rahmen des budgetierten Voranschlagsansatzes bis zu eError: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName inem Höchstbetrag von € 900, 00 je Objekt. Seite 8 Der Bürger soll es wissen 15. Wegegeld: lt. Richtlinien: € 0, 80 je lfm. 16. Schwangerschaftsgymnastik (50% der angefallenen Kosten max. € 50, 00) 17. Tiefgaragenmiete pro Stellplatz/Monat Grundstückspreise: Betriebsgebiet Basen Gfäll Tannen GST 711/14 € € € € 46, 56incl. USt. 55, 00/m² 74, 00/m² 53, 00/m² Diese Verordnung wurde in der Gemeindevertretungssitzung vom 29.12.2009 unter Punkt 4 der Tagesordnung beschlossen. Diese Verordnung tritt am 01.01.2010 in Kraft. Gleichzeitig verliert die Verordnung für das Jahr 2009 ihre Wirksamkeit. Chippflicht für Hunde Schon seit 30. Juni 2008 gilt für alle Hunde in Österreich die Chippflicht. Schon seit dieser Zeit besteht für Hundebesitzer/innen die Verpflichtung, ihrem Tier einen Mikrochip mit einer Zahlenkombination implantieren zu lassen, durch den das Tier eindeutig zugeordnet werden kann. Er wird dem Hund mit einer Injektionsnadel international verpflichtend auf der linken Halsseite hinter dem Ohr unter die Haut implantiert. Seit Jahresbeginn 2010 ist die Übergangsregelung ausgelaufen, ab sofort drohen den Besitzern empfindliche Strafen, wenn ein Hund ohne Chip erwischt wird. Künftig auch Registrierung über Internet möglich Derzeit können Hundehalter/innen ihre Tiere auf zwei Wegen melden: Sie lassen gechipten Hund bei der Bezirkshauptmannschaft registrieren. Oder sie beauftragen gleich den Tierarzt beim Chippen mit der Durchführung der Meldung. Ab dem Sommer wird eine dritte Möglichkeit dazukommen, dann sollen Hundebesitzer/innen die Registrierung auch bequem via Internet mit Hilfe eines Passwortsystems selbst vornehmen können. Seite 9 Der Bürger soll es wissen Heimatbuch Hittisau Am 12.12.2009 wurde das erste Heimatbuch von Hittisau im Ritter von Bergmann - Saal der Öffentlichkeit feierlich vorgestellt. Dieses bebilderte Buch kann im Gemeindeamt um 43.- Euro erworben werden. Turmkugelschrift Aus Anlass der Turmsanierung sind die Schriften aus der Turmkugel leserlich aufbereitet worden. Es ist eine 68 Seiten starke, bebilderte Broschüre mit vielen interessanten Details über die Kirchengeschichte, den Kirchenbau von 1843 bis 1845 sowie Zusammengefasstes aus der heutigen Zeit. Der Verkaufserlös von € 15, - kommt der Renovierung der Pfarrkirche zugute. Reisepass Im Jahr 2010 verlieren 1, 2 Millionen Reisepässe ihre Gültigkeit. Das sind doppelt so viele wie in einem durchschnittlichen Jahr. Vor allem in den Monaten März bis Juni wird es einen großen Andrang auf die Ausstellungsämter geben. Wer einen Reisepass besitzt, der im Jahr 2010 seine Gültigkeit verliert, sollte bei Bedarf frühzeitig einen neuen beantragen, weil es zu längeren Wartezeiten kommen könnte. Schwimmbad - Kioskverpachtung Der Schwimmbadkiosk wird in der kommenden Badesaison 2010 neu verpachtet. Neben den Tätigkeiten im Kiosk gehören das Ausstellen von Tages- und Saisonkarten für das Schwimmbad ebenfalls zu den Anfordernissen. Interessierte mögen sich im Gemeindeamt Hittisau bei Bürgermeister Konrad Schwarz melden. Seite 10 Der Bürger soll es wissen Schwimmbad - Eintrittspreise Erwachsene Kinder (Jahrgang 2003 - 1995) *) 10er Karte Erwachsene (exkl. Kaution KeyCard) 10er Karte Kinder /exkl. Kaution Key Card) Kinder Gruppen (ab 10 Personen) Erwachsene in Gruppen (ab 10 Personen) Saisonkarte für Erwachsene Saisonkarte Jugendliche (Jg. 1994 - 1992) Saisonkarte JKinder (Jg. 2003 - 1995) Abendkarte ab 17:00 Uhr Familiensaisonkarte 2 Erwachsene und Kinder bis 15 Jahre (Jg. 1995) i.V.m. Familienpass (exkl. Kaution KeyCard) Familiensaisonskarte 1 Erwachsener (Alleinerzieher) und Kinder bis 15 Jahre (Jg 1995) i.v.m Familienpass (exkl. Kaution KeyCard) € € € € € € € € € € € € 3, 60 2, 60 31, 70 22, 60 2, 10 3, 10 42, 90 34, 60 34, 60 2, 10 74, 30 63, 80 *) Jugendliche im Besitz einer gültigen Jugendcard erhalten ebenfalls diesen Tarif. Kinder bis 6 Jahre (Jg. 2004 und jünger) haben in Begleitung einer geeigneten Begleitperson freien Eintritt. Inhaber einer gültigen Bregenzerwald-Card habeError: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName n ebenfalls freien Eintritt! Mit dem Kauf oder Besitz einer Eintrittskarte verpflichtet sich der Inhaber die Vorschriften der ausgehängten Badeordnung zu beachten. Die Eintrittskarten sind nicht übertragbar. Bei Missbrauch wird die Karte entzogen. Seite 11 Der Bürger soll es wissen E h re n a mt Die Vorarlberger Landesregierung hat mit der Vorarlberger Landesversicherung eine Haftpflich- und Unfallversicherung für alle ehrenamtlich tätigen Personen abgeschlossen. Mit dieser Vorarlberger Ehrenamts- und Freiwilligenversicherung werden die Rahmenbedingungen für ehrenamtliches Engagement weiter verbessert. Meist merken ehrenamtlich Engagierte erst im konkreten Schadensfall, dass kein oder nur ein ungenügender Versicherungsschutz besteht. Diese Lücke wurde mit dem Abschluss eines subsidiär gültigen Sammel-Haftpflicht- und Sammel-Unfallversicherungsvertrages geschlossen. Wer ist versichert? Versichert sind alle Personen in Vorarlberg, die in rechtlich unselbständigen Vereinigungen oder in Vereinen gemäß Vereinsgesetz für das Gemeindewohl in Vorarlberg ehrenamltich tätig sind. Weitere Informationen: Büro für Zukunftsfragen Bregenz Tel. 05574/511-20605 zukunftsbuero@vorarlberg.at Vorarlberger Familienzuschuss Die Landesregierung hat den Familienzuschuss ein weiteres Mal verbessert! Mit Jänner 2010 werden für die Berechnung des Familienzuschusses die Einkommensgrenze deutlich erhöht und auch der Höchstzuschuss auf 439, 90 Euro monatlich angehoben. Durch eine bessere Gewichtung ab dem dritten Kind (Angebung des Faktors von 0, 5 auf 0, 6) werden kinderreiche Familien noch besser unterstützt. Damit erhöt sich ab 1. Jänner 2010 der Familienzuschuss bei gleichem Familiiennettoeinkommen bis zum Höchstzuschuss 439, 90 Euro um monatlich mindestens 100, 00 Euro und zusätzlich werden noch mehr Familien in den Genuss eines Familienzuschusses kommen. Nähere Informationen beim Land Vorarlberg, Mag. Renate Mennel 05574/511-24131 Seite 12 Der Bürger soll es wissen Fischerei Bestimmungen und Kartenpreise 2010 Die Fischerei im gemeindeeigenen Fischwasser Stausee-Bolgenach und Fluss Bolgenach bis zur Ließenbachbrücke bzw. Völkenbrücke steht den Sportfischern unter Einhaltung bestimmter Auflagen vom 01.04. bis 30.09.2010 zur Verfügung. Aufgrund der am 01.09.2001 in Kraft getretenen Fischereiverordnung und der am 31.08.2003 abgelaufenen Übergangsbestimmungen ist die Ausübung der Fischerei in Vorarlberg nur noch unter Nachweis der erfolgreich abgelegten Fischerprüfung möglich. Tageskartenfischer sind von dieser Regelung ausgenommen. Saisonkartenpreise: a) für Gemeindebürger – Hauptwohnsitz beschränkte Anzahl von zus. Karten wie lit. a), jedoch mit sonstigem Wohnsitz b) für Personen, die im Vorderwald, Egg, Sulzbergstock oder Balderschwang mit Hauptwohnsitz gemeldet sind, jedoch beschränkt auf den Stausee. Diese Karte wird auch an ehemalige Gemeindebürger ausgegeben. 5-Tages-Karten: a) für Gde. Bürger u. Gäste m. Gästekarte einer Kleeblattgemeinde vom Staudamm bis Ließenbachbrücke b) für Personen, die im Vorderwald, Egg, Sulzbergstock oder Balderschwang mit Hauptwohnsitz gemeldet sind und Gäste mit Gästekarte dieser Gemeinden, jedoch beschränkt auf den Stausee € € 180, -470, -- € 180, -- € 80, -- € 80, -- Tageskarten: a) für Gemeindebürger und Gäste mit Vorlage der Gästekarte einer Kleeblattgemeinde mit mindestens 3 Tagen Aufenthalt (2 Übernachtungen) und ehemalige Gemeindebürger wie lit. a) € b) für Personen, die im Vorderwald, Egg, Sulzbergstock oder Balderschwang mit Hauptwohnsitz gemeldet sind und Gäste mit Gästekarte dieser Gemeinden, jedoch beschränkt auf den Stausee 20, -- € 20, -- Seite 13 Der Bürger soll es wissen Zuschuss zum Pflegegeld bei ambulanter Pflege Die Vorarlberger Landesregierung hat beschlossen, ab dem 01.01.2010 zur Unterstützung der Pflege und Betreuung zu Hause zusätzlich zum Pflegegeld einen Zuschuss zu gewähren. Bezieherinnen und Bezieher eines Bundes- oder Landespflegegeldes der Stufen 5, 6 oder 7, die überwiegend zu Hause von AError: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName ngehörigen oder Nachbarn gepflegt werden, können einen Zuschuss zum Pflegegeld beantragen. Der Zuschuss beträgt € 100, 00 monatlich und wird zwölf Mal im Jahr ausbezahlt. Der Anspruch erlischt, wenn die pflegebedürftige Person im Pflegeheim betreut wird oder eine Unterstützung der 24-Stunden-Betreuung in Anspruch genommen wird. Nähere Informationen auf der Homepage des Landes unter folgendem Link: http://www.vorarlberg.at/vorarlberg/seiten/antraege_formulare/pflegegeldzuschu ssbeiambu.htm G ra t u l a t i o n e n Beim 23. Vorarlberger Feuerwehrleistungsbewerb &quot;Funk Silber&quot; am 12. März 2010 in Feldkirch wurde Manuel Schelling Windern 364 Landessieger. Die Gemeinde Hittisau gratuliert Manuel für diese hervorragende Leistung und dankt ihm für seinen Einsatz! Seite 14 Der Bürger soll es wissen Bei den TennisHallenmeisterschaften, die in Feldkirch ausgetragen wurden, sorgte Tina Manzel für eine Überraschung. In der Kategorie U16 holte sich Tina den Titel mit einem tollen Sieg in einem spannenden Finalspiel. Dieses konnte sie mit 7:6 und 6:4 für sich entscheiden. Beim Wintercircuit in Altenstadt hat der Hittisauer TennisRookie Tina Manzl mit einem sensationellen Erfolg im U16Bewerb aufhorchen lassen. Die 14- Jährige bezwang im Finale die um ein Jahr ältere Turnierfavoritin Jana Haid aus Tirol mit 6:3 und 6:4. Der zweite Satz hatte es in sich: Beim Stand von 5:3 hatte Tina Manzl 5(!) Matchbälle, die die aktuelle ÖTV- Nummer 21 zum Teil mit viel Glück (zwei Netzroller) abwehren konnte. Beim Stand von 5:4 lag die Bregenzerwälderin (ÖTV- Nr. 48) bereits mit 0:40 zurück. Dann zeigte sie jedoch ihre mentale Stärke und machte fünf Punkte in Folge zum Sieg. Die Gemeinde Hittisau gratuliert Tina Manzel zu Ihrem Sieg und wünscht Ihr weiterhin viel Freude am Sport. Wie in der letzten Ausgabe berichtet, gewann Thomas Schwab bei der AZ Bundesvogelschau in Kassel den deutschen Meistertitel. Im Dezember wurde er bei der RÖK Bundesvogelschau in Ried im Innkreis dann auch österreichischer Bundesmeister. Dies war sein bereits 5. Titel bei österreichischen Meisterschaften. Wir gratulieren Thomas Schwab zu seinem hervorragenden Zuchterfolg und seinen ausgezeichneten Leistungen im In- und Ausland. Der Bürgermeister Konrad Schwarz Seite 15 Der Bürger soll es wissen Aus dem e5 Team Earth Hour Gemeinde Hittisau macht mit bei der Earth Hour. Die Klimabündnis-Gemeinde Hittisau unterstützt die weltweite Initiative des WWF. Am 27. März gehen in über 4.000 Städten und Gemeinden auf der ganzen Welt ab 20.30 Uhr für eine Stunde die Lichter aus. In der Gemeinde Hittisau wird in dieser Zeit die Straßenbeleuchtung abgeschaltet. Die Pfarre Hittisau wird die Kirchturmbeleuchtung für eine Stunde abschalten. „Mit dieser Aktion kann man auf einfache Weise ein deutliches Zeichen für den Klimaschutz setzen. Gerade im Energiebereich kann jeder einzelne einen Beitrag leisten – sei es durch Steckerleisten, die den Standby-Betrieb reduzieren, oder durch den Einsatz energiesparender Geräte. Infos auf www.earthhour.at Seite 16 m it m ac he n! Der Bürger soll es wissen EARTH HOUR – „LICHT AUS“ als Zeichen für den Klimaschutz! Der WWF und das Klimabündnis Österreich rufen alle Menschen dazu auf, am 27. März 2010 von 20:30 bis 21:30 Uhr ihre Lichter für eine Stunde auszuschalten und damit ein Symbol für den Klimaschutz und die Rettung unseres Planeten zu setzen. Alle ÖsterreicherInnen können jedoch schon jetzt online auf www.earthhour.at das Licht ausmachen und ihre ganz persönliche Kerze anzünden. Mit etwas Glück kann man dort auch ein klimafreundliches Solar-Handy gewinnen! EARTH HOUR seit 2007 – eine Bewegung nimmt Ihren Anfang: Was 2007 mit dem symbolischen Abschalten des Lichts für eine Stunde im australischen Sydney als ein kleines Signal für den Klimaschutz begann, ist heute zu einer globalen Bewegung geworden. Vom simplen Glauben getragen, dass kleine Taten einen großen Unterschied machen können, schalteten damals 2, 2 Millionen Menschen in Sydney ihre Lichter aus und setzten damit eiError: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName n Zeichen für den Klimaschutz. Diese Symbolik ging um die Welt. 2008 schalteten mehr als 50 Millionen Menschen in 400 Städten ihre Lichter ab – als Zeichen der Hoffnung für die Rettung unseres Planeten. Am 28. März 2009 beteiligten sich mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen und machten die EARTH HOUR damit zur größten Aktion für das Weltklima aller Zeiten. Mehr als 4.000 Städte, darunter auch die Hauptstädte von 88 Staaten, schalteten für eine Stunde ihre Lichter aus. 1.000 der berühmtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten waren für eine Stunde dunkel. Fast 20.000 Wirtschaftsunternehmen, 8.000 Schulen und 5.500 Organisationen unterstützen die Aktion aktiv. Unter den hunderten dunklen Wahrzeichen waren auch die Pyramiden von Gizeh, der Eiffelturm und die höchsten Wolkenkratzer der Welt. Auch Österreich setzte ein „Denkmal gegen den Klimawandel&quot;. Die Städte Innsbruck, Salzburg, St. Pölten, Eisenstadt, Klagenfurt, Enns und Gloggnitz unterstützten aktiv die EARTH HOUR 2009 und schalteten für eine Stunde die Lichter ihrer bekannten Wahrzeichen ab. Auch mehrere Konzerne und Unternehmen sowie unzählige Haushalte beteiligten sich an der „Gedenkstunde“ für das Klima. Seite 17 Der Bürger soll es wissen 2010 – Klimaschutz wichtiger denn je: Gerade nach einer enttäuschenden Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen hat das Weltklima unsere Aufmerksamkeit und Unterstützung verdient! Helfen sie uns, gemeinsam ein Zeichen zu setzen, Politik und Wirtschaft daran zu erinnern, dass wir endlich wirksame Maßnahmen setzen müssen, um unser Klima und damit unseren Planeten zu retten! Ganz Österreich macht mit! Auch heuer sind die österreichischen Landeshauptstädte wieder tatkräftig mit dabei: Graz wird den Uhrturm abschalten, Linz das Ars Electronica-Center und das Lentos-Kunstmuseum, Klagenfurt den Lindwurm, Innsbruck das Goldene Dachl, St. Pölten das Rathaus und Bregenz den Martinsturm. Der WWF und das Klimabündnis wandten sich an fast 500 Betriebe, knapp 900 Gemeinden und 200 Schulen. Außerdem unterstützen namhafte Firmen in Österreich wie IKEA, Telekom, Pfanner, Fronius und Allianz diese WWF-Aktion. Auch viele Prominente wie Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Barbara Stöckl, Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer, Chris Lohner, Bernd Lötsch, Alfons Haider, Doris Golpashin, Dompfarrer Toni Faber, WWF-Präsident Helmut Pechlaner und viele mehr bekennen sich zum Klimaschutz und bewerben die EARTH HOUR. Der Klimawandel macht auch vor Österreich nicht Halt, wie Unwetter, Hochwässer und Gletscherschmelze beweisen. Jeder kann einen Beitrag leisten. Werden sie jetzt aktiv – werden sie Österreich-Pate des WWF auf www.wwf-pate.at Das Ziel: die Zwei-Grad-Marke darf nicht überschritten werden! Die Erwärmung unseres Planeten darf nicht die Zwei-Grad-Marke überschreiten, denn die Erderwärmung bedroht weltweit 20 bis 30 Prozent aller Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Die Konferenz von Kopenhagen endete mit einer unverbindlichen Erklärung und nicht mit einem weltweit bindenden Vertrag. Doch ob mit oder ohne Abkommen – der Klimawandel geht weiter und wir dürfen nicht aufgeben, für mehr Klimaschutz und einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit unseren Ressourcen zu kämpfen. Im Dezember 2010 wird die nächste Klimakonferenz in Cancun/Mexiko stattfinden und unser Klima darf bis dahin nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Seite 18 Der Bürger soll es wissen Erneuerung Straßenbeleuchtung Abschnit I - 2010 Die e5 Gemeinde Hittisau hat sich für die Erneuerung der bestehenden Straßenbeleuchtung entschieden. In der Gemeindevertretungssitzung vom 21.04.2009 wurde beschlossen, die Straßenbeleuchtung in Hittisau zu erneuern und umzurüsten, um eine energieeffiziente Straßenbeleuchtung zu erhalten, die auch von der Ausleuchtung der Norm entspricht. Dies erfordert auch, dass die Lichtpunkthöhe auf 7, 5 m erhöht wird. Die derzeitige Lampen sind als dekorative Beleuchtung ausgelegt. Viele Leuchten erzeugen kaum ausreichend Helligkeit, sondern fungieren nur noch als Alibilichtpunkt, was zum Teil an veralteten Leuchtmitteln, als auch an der veralteten Spiegeltechnik etc. liegt. EineError: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2120&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_212F&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2136&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2137&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2223&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2227&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_2228&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_22BB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_25C7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301A&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_301B&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFBF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFBF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFC9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFC9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFCF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFCF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFD9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFD9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFDF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFDF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE0&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE0&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE1&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE1&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE2&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE2&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE3&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE3&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE4&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE4&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE5&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE5&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE6&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE6&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE7&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE7&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE8&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE8&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFE9&quot; of &quot;uni_EFE9&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFEC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFEC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFA&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFA&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFB&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFB&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFC&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFC&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFD&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFD&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFE&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFE&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;uni&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Error: Could not parse ligature component &quot;EFFF&quot; of &quot;uni_EFFF&quot; in parseCharName Erneuerung der einzelnen Bauteile lohnt sich jedoch in der Regel nicht mehr, da der Großteil der Lampen mittlerweile ein Alter von über 25 Jahren aufweisen. Durch die Tatsache, dass die Leitungen nach teilweise über 25 Jahren zum Teil Erdschlüsse aufweisen und auch teilweise zu klein dimensioniert sind, ist es auch notwendig, die Leitungen auszutauschen. Dies wird in ausziehbarer Form erfolgen. Eine komplette Umrüstung innerhalb eines Jahres ist auf Grund des Umfanges der Arbeiten nicht möglich. Vielmehr wird sich diese Erneuerung über mehrere Jahre hinziehen. In einem ersten Schritt werden die Straßen L5 Fußgängerübergang Windern bis Platz oberhalb des Sägewerkes Lässer und Platz bis Zugang Hoher Stich beim Heizwerk erneuert. In diesem Zuge wird auch der Schaltkasten in den Technikraum des RvB-Saales verlegt. In der Regel wird versucht, die bestehenden Leuchtenstandpunkte beizubehalten, jedoch ist dies nicht immer möglich. Vor allem an Schutzwegen wird versucht, die entsprechende Beleuchtungsnorm einzuhalten, was vielfach zu einer Verschiebung der Lichtpunkte führt. Um zukünftig auch Stromkosten einsparen zu können, werden die herkömmlichen HQL - Leuchten durch NAV - Leuchten ersetzt (gelbes Licht). Hierdurch ist es möglich, mit einer geringeren Watt-Leistung die gleiche Ausleuchtung wie mit den Quecksilberdampflampen zu erzielen. Weitere Vorteile und Einsparungsmöglichkeiten ergibt sich aus der Installation einer intelligenten Steuerung auf modernstem technichen Standard. Mit den Arbeiten wird voraussichtlich Anfang Juni begonnen werden. Seite 19 Der Bürger soll es wissen Seite 20 </p>